- STRONGID C/2X helps prevent parasite build-up on a daily basis which may lead to better nutrition, health, appearance and performance
- Continuous dosing of pyrantel tartrate in the gastrointestinal tract, instead of a conventional program of deworming every 60 days that leaves horses open to reinfection
- Intended as daily preventive treatment ideally complemented by twice-yearly purge deworming
- Suppresses buildup of parasite burden during intervals between periodic deworming, while allowing low levels of infection that maintains natural host immunity
- Reduces pasture buildup of parasite eggs, limiting exposure to parasite larvae
- Particularly useful where stocking density is high, pasture rotation is impossible, or exposure is continuous
- Safe for use in pregnant mares and foals
- 50 lb bag = 400 daily doses for a 1,000 lb horse
- 10000452
Zoetis is a global animal health company dedicated to supporting customers and their businesses in ever better ways. Building on 60 years of experience, we deliver quality medicines and vaccines, complemented by diagnostic products and genetic tests and supported by a range of services. We are working every day to better understand and address the real-world challenges faced by those who raise and care for animals in ways they find truly relevant.
Our name, Zoetis (zo-EH-tis), has its root in zo, familiar in words such as zoo and zoology and derived from zoetic, meaning “pertaining to life.” It signals our company’s dedication to supporting the veterinarians and livestock producers everywhere who raise and care for the farm and companion animals on which we all depend.
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